Squirrels Awards

We’re really excited to share the Squirrels Awards with you.

We’ve worked with the Centre for Research in Early Childhood, Coram, and early years practitioners from across the UK to create badges full of adventure, fun, and, of course, skills. But that’s the boring bit.

Each award is packed with awe and awesome, perfect for anyone who’s ever asked ‘Why?’ (or ‘Why not?’). You’ll go on a scavenger hunt and gaze up at the stars. Think about what makes you unique and learn to be the best friend you can be. Enjoy your first campfire and meet some new people. There’s something for everyone – and that means that there’s something for you.

This is the highest award a Squirrel Scout can earn. It shows that you’ve had adventures, helped your friends, and learned new things – it’s a big achievement, and you should be proud!

Challenge Awards

Challenge Awards are all about stepping outside your comfort zone. Try out something you wouldn't normally be interested in. Take the lead on something that scares you. Along the way, you'll unlock hidden talents and stand tall.

Go on a scavenger hunt. Gaze up at the stars. Enjoy your first campfire. Pack your bag and try something new as you go on an adventure in the great outdoors.

There’s no one else who’s exactly like you. Think about what makes you unique, learn about the people around you, and set yourself a challenge.

Learn about where you live, meet some new people, and discover more about your community. It’s time to find your place in the world.

We can do so much more with great friends. Work together to play games, make choices, and learn to be the best friend you can be.

Core Awards

There are also a number of special badges, which Squirrels can earn on joining or moving on from their section, or for total time spent in the Scouting Movement.

Once you’ve made your promise, you’ll get your Membership Award. It’s a purple badge with a picture of the fleur-de-lis – an international symbol that’s worn by Scouts all over the world.

Joining In Awards celebrate every year you spend with us. If you're an eager Beaver, you can collect up to two during your time in the section.

Between the ages of 5½ and 6½, it’s usually time for Squirrels to become Beavers. Complete this award to get to know your new leaders, make new friends and get a taste of what Beavers is really like before the big move.

Here's where to sew on those Awards...

Here we solve the eternal mystery of where the Awards are sewn...